Our Pastor

Rev. Tony Lowrey

Rev. Tony began his Christian walk at Guildfield Baptist Church at the age of 16 under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Elijah Sutton, Jr. (d.), whom has been a pivotal point in his life. Through fervent teaching and mentoring by the leaders of the church, Rev. Lowery was licensed and ordained on Oct. 7, 2001. Rev. Lowery married Tynea Crawford in 2011 and, recently, celebrated their 10th year anniversary. From this union they share raising 10 children and 7 grandchildren between them.

Over his many faith-filled years, Rev. Lowery is excited to bring his vast knowledge and experience to further the mission and vision as Pastor of Guildfield. He has already compelled many to come unto Christ Jesus baptizing almost a dozen men, women and children seeking to get closer to the Father.

As we continue to strive toward the mark of the High Calling of God, let us go forth as true Christians dedicating ourselves to answer the sacred call to do that which God expects of us.

Our Church History